chamberlain ballet
There are many ways to support Chamberlain Ballet.
We are very thankful to all individuals and organizations who choose to support Chamberlain Ballet.
get involved!
As a non-profit, Chamberlain Ballet’s continued success is dependent on the support of volunteers and sponsors. We truly appreciate and care for every contribution made in the interest of helping us spread a love for the arts throughout our community. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers and sponsors for all your generous and loving support.
Other VOLUNTEER opportunities
Time and talent using expertise to support Chamberlain Ballet as:
Board members
Program chairs
Special events
Outreach programs
Chamberlain Ballet is excited to invite you to join Chamberlain Champions for our 40th Anniversary Season. This upcoming season will be our biggest yet and we need you to help it be the best it can be, so consider becoming a valued member of our volunteer team!
Financial support to Chamberlain Ballet to:
Enrich the community
Enlighten with arts education
Encourage through outreach programs
You Too Can Make a Difference!
Supporting the arts positively impacts lives in our community. Research shows that investing in the arts encourages business development, supports jobs, and creates government revenue in communities large or small. The College Board has found that students who include arts classes in their high school years out perform their peers on the SAT. At-risk students involved in after-school arts programs have greater success academically and personally than those left unsupervised.
Volunteer with The Pointe Society
Chamberlain Ballet’s “Pointe Society” is a volunteer organization of current and prior parents, company dancers, patrons, and supporters alike that lends its expertise in creating and executing strategies in the areas of arts programming, funding, marketing & communications (MARCOM including social media), administration, and student development. Chamberlain indeed will continue “Building Classical Foundations for Life®” and would love to have your expertise as committee members and advisors.
Please join us by completing the following form to allow us to best match you with committees based on your training, skills, and interests. Don’t worry about the time commitment. You’ll determine how much time and effort you can dedicate based on your schedule.
Chamberlain Ballet’s future is bright, and we’re excited to have you join us in building its strategy for the next 40 years!
Donation Levels
Grand Jeté
Grand Pas de Deux