chamberlain ballet News archives
DANCE-A-THON TIME IN PLANO!!! - Register now!
The participants spend the evening enjoying pizza, traveling from studio to studio, learning SUPER fun dances taught by members of the Senior Company, capturing memories in the photo booth room, and winning some awesome prizes!
Chamberlain Ballet is a PROUD Resiliency Grant recipient from TACA!
Chamberlain Ballet is so very thankful to the generous support extended to us from our dear friends at TACA. As announced recently, Chamberlain Ballet is among the recipients of The Arts Community Alliance’s first round of Resiliency Grants.
An Angel Ascends from Chamberlain Ballet to Bolshoi
Chamberlain Ballet staff, dancers, and supporters wish the best of luck to senior Angel Su as she travels to Russia to study ballet at Bolshoi for the spring semester.